Thursday 28 August 2014

Eat Protein To Lose Weight

Hi fitness friends! Today I want to share the important of proper protein in your diet. Many people have the misconception that in order to lose weight you need to eat a little bit of food and workout hard at the gym for 3 hours - NOT TRUE! Myth - BUSTED!

One of the most important parts of a successful weight loss plan is nutrition. Well, protein is essential for giving our body the proper fuel and energy it needs to function properly, recover, and aid in weight-loss.

Why? Protein plays a vital part in aiding the body's building, repairing and structural blocks of every cell in your body. You see, proteins are made up of smaller units called amino acids!

Amino acids link up in various combinations to form chains. They can be divided into 2 groups, non-essential amino acids (your body can make on its own) & essential amino acids (the ones you can only get from dietary sources). Our bodies are unable to store protein so it's clear that we need to eat protein with every meal in order to allow our bodies to absorb the amino acids properly! Unfortunatly, we can't stock up on protein by eating it once a week! Absorption of protein/amino acids is sooo important! If amino acids are absent in our diet, the production of proteins that include there essential amino acids are reserved in your body. Wrose, if you do not eat sufficient amounts of protein your body has to find it elsewhere and looks to your muscles for answers. Less muscle --> slower metabolism --> more fat stores!

Another reason protein is so important is that it takes more work to digest, metabolize, and use, which means your body burns more calories processing protein! Foods high in protein also take longer to leave your stomach - which makes you feel full sooner and longer.

Last but not least, your body uses the amino acids in protein to build lean muscle, which NOT ONLY makes you more toned and stronger, but assists in scorching more calories and more fat - keeping your metabolism in high gear! Say it with me, YAY!!!!!

**By the way** I'm a serious advocate that women don't need a protein supplement & that we should be getting our protein from natural sources like eggs and chicken, etc.

Fall 2014 Fashion Essentials

Hi lovebugs! Fall is QUICKLY approaching and I have to say - YAY!!!!! As much as I love summer and the cute rompers, floral dresses, and skirt/top combos... there is something so wonderful about the approaching season of FALL. Cozy sweaters, cute boots, scarves, leggings, hot chocolate, book store browsing, AH! I could just go on! The cuteness of Fall is never ending and I'm so excited for it!

With Fall comes the ups and downs of EVERY fashionista. To wear, or not to wear? I have to admit, fall is one of the easier seasons to be fashionable since cozy = cute BUT there are definitely ways to kick it up a notch and be extra stylish while snuggled up. The easiest way to do this? Make sure you have THE ESSENTIALS! These will vary slightly from year to year but I promise if you have these babies below in your closet, you'll have a much easier time putting together a cute and charming look to strut your stuff in!

1. Quilted Vest
2. Military Jacket
3. Chunky Sweater
4. Oversized Cardigan
5. Dark Wash Jeans
6. Riding Boots
7. Booties
8. Thigh-high Socks
9. Statement Watch
10. Infinity Scarf

I don't know about you but I'm totally a visual person so here are some pics of my faves!

Quilted Vest

Military Jacket

Chunky Sweater

Oversized Cardigan

Dark Wash Jeans

Riding Boots


Thigh-high Socks

Statement Watch

Infinity Scarf

Enjoy ladies!

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Legally Blonde & Legally Ambitious

Hi my loves!! Today I was flipping through the channels and immediately stopped when I saw "Legally Blonde" was on TV. I happened to land on it during one the most fabulous scenes of all time.

No explanation necessary ;) You know what scene I'm talking about now and hopefully you agree that it IS the most monumental scene in that movie (although there are numerous others that come close!)

I mean seriously... here's a girl who HAS it ALL!
She has an incredible body! Not a stick figure... ex. "Booke Windham's workout tapes helped me go from a size 6 to a size 4!" Love it!!! I LOVE the proud size 4 in this movie! And her HAIR! I mean seriously, how can a bottle blonde have hair that healthy?! It's so naturally beautiful and full of life! 

And perhaps most incredibly - a POWERFUL mind. I mean seriously. She got into Harvard! She set her mind to it and made it happen despite everything going against her.

Elle: I don't need back-ups. I'm going to Harvard.
Advisor: Well then, you'll need excellent recommendations from your professors.
Elle: Okay.
Advisor: And a heck of an admissions essay.
Elle: Right.
Advisor: And at least a 175 on your LSATs.
Elle: I once had to judge a tighty-whitey contest for Lambda Kappa Pi. Trust me, I can handle anything.

I feel myself slightly obsessing over her right now. If Elle can do, so can I! There's nothing holding me back from making my dreams a reality. Right now, I'm in the beginning stages of building my business and in all honesty - I've experienced MAJOR road bumps! Who hasn't though. I've had coaches change their mind and quit, customers tell me they want the fitness doll challenge then back out, and it's discouraging! Rejection and failure is hard. REALLY hard. Luckily, I've learned a lot from my personal development - and an important key to success is perseverance and consistency. Even though Elle's goal was a lot different than mine it still gives me hope that people can do whatever they set out to do. We just need to go for it! Go all in. Commit 100%. Wait no, commit 1000%. If Elle Woods can get into Harvard then I can reach 15 Star Diamond.

If you want to lose weight, you can do it! If you want to get into an Ivy-league university, you can do it! If you want to improve your relationship with ANYBODY, you CAN do it! Whatever it is your goal may be, you can make it happen. 

Perseverance in the face of failure. Consistency even when it means sacrifice.

Warner Huntington III: You got into Harvard Law?
Elle: What? Like it's hard?

How To Get Rid of Cellulite

Hey pretty girls!! This is SUCH an important post because we ALL struggle with cellulite eventually in our lives, it's inevitable to happen. 

What IS cellulite? It's the lumpy bumps of skin caused when fat presses up against the vertical connective tissue that surrounds fat cells in our thighs AKA the dimpled effect.

What causes it? Genetics, hormones (estrogen), extra weight, smoking, stress, poor diet, high alcohol consumption, lack of exercise, etc. Some of those factors are out of your control, but MOST aren't! MEANING: you can get rid of MOST of your cellulite! Say it with me "YAY!!!"

1. Eat healthy! Eat plenty of fiber, fruits, vegetables & whole grains, this will help to remove waste and toxins from the intestinal tract! In addition to that, eat lean proteins as your main muscle and energy building source (the more muscle you have, the faster your metabolism is... the faster your metabolism is, the less body fat --> the less cellulite!)

2. Drink PLENTY of water! Increase your daily water intake - this will help shed excess fat including the fat that's stored as cellulite! In addition to that, water strengthens you the collagen in skin which will help to reduce the lumpy look and keep you looking younger! Less wrinkles & no cellulite? YES please! :))))

3. Exercise regularly! Cellulite is fat, bottom line. It's important to do both cardio and strength training a few times per week to keep your metabolism revved up! I recommend High Intensity Interval Training, also known as HIIT along with your cardio and strength training. HIIT is a MAJOR fat blaster! PS. TurboFire has 3 HIIT workouts in it & they're sooo fun! 

4. Use an exfoliator! Use an exfoliator scrub with some sort of caffeine ingredient in it. Caffiene is supposed to break up fatty deposits as you massage it into your skin. In ADDITION to that, it also tightens, hydrates, and plumps your skin!

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Potential Fitness Dolls Logo

Hey pretties! I'm trying to come up with a logo for my Fitness Dolls and YEESH I am struggling. Here's one option... whaddya think?!

I feel like it's boring.... Branding is so not my natural given talent haha. More work to come. I feel like I want something more powerful... I don't know! Maybe it's time to call in an expert.

Soooo. 10 minutes after I posted this I thought about what I want for our teams T-shirts and it got me thinking - I like simple and classy! So, I came up with this t-shirt, and I'm gonna be placing an order in the next few days for my dolls! Just trying to decide if we should get a v-neck or the crew. Torn because they're both cute!

Friday 22 August 2014

10 Workout Tips That'll UP Your Results


    Hey pretties! I know there's a ton of tips all over this blog left, right and centre, but these tips are SUPER important. If you follow these to a T - I promise you'll experience the weightloss that you're aspiring for!

1. Be consistent

    It doesn't matter if you work out one day a week for 4 hours... thats just NOT gonna help you get in shape. It's MUCH better to work out 5-6 days a week for 45 minutes. Same amount of time invested in the gym, but the consistency will SHOW in your body. Consistency IS KEY.

2. Follow an Effective Exercise Routine

    For any of you using a Beachbody workout then you don't need to worry about this one AT ALL! The Beachbody pro's developed the program according to a strict science. But if you're working out freestyle at the gym, make sure you get strength training, interval training, and intense cardio! Those 3 are super important to conditioning your organs and chiselling those abs.

3. Set Realistic Goals

    Setting proper goals will help you stay motivated and push through the hard times that are sure to come up. Don't strive for perfection, strive for progress! If you're moving forward you're progressing, & when you realize you're making progress - thats gonna keep you motivated!!

4. Use the Buddy System

    Having a "success partner" or "accountability partner" is so crucial to your success! Haing a friend to keep you excited and more important - ON TRACK - will help you implement Rule #1 - Being consistent! This is why I love my challenge groups so much! We are group of like-minded women who are going through the same thing day in and DAY OUT! A friend makes the world of a difference, so can you imagine how helpful it is to have a whole GROUP!?

5. Make Your Plan Fit Your Life

    Working out doesn't have to be a life-changing experience. Fit it into your daily schedule by making it fun! I love turbo fire since I feel like I'm in a bad-ass dance party the whole time, but nonetheless - make it fun! Play tennis, take the dog for a walk, try a new class, whatever you do keep it fun!

6. Be Happy

    Pick an activity you actually enjoy. This is similar to Rule #5, but seriously! Be happy, and you'll find yourself LOOKING FORWARD to your workouts and healthy meals! PS eating healthy doesn't have to be boring. Try new spices everyday. :)

7. Watch the clock

    Your body clock that is! Working out while you have the most energy will yield the best results. If you're feeling sluggish and tired, your body probably needs the workout. But if you're sick and not feeling well, don't push your body over the edge with a work out, listen to your bod and get some rest.

8. Call in the pros!

    Sometimes it's a good idea to have an assessment from a pro to see if you have a weak back, or knees etc. This attention to flexibility or to balance may be more important than resistance training or aerobics & by getting a professional assessment, you can determine your weakest links and focus on them. This will improve your overall fitness balance!

9. Get inspired

    Fitness is a state of mind! Look at people with your goal body, make your your phone background, and try to emulate what they do! Don't look at them in jealous, look at them in admiration. What would they be doing right now if they were you? Probably drinking more water! So do it! Would they eat a big greasy meal on friday night? Probably not! So, find another way to celebrate the weekend and continue looking up to your role-models!

10. Be Patient!

    Results don't happen over night. It took more than a day to put it on, so it's gonna take more than a day to take it off! & thats OK! As long as you don't give it, you will get there! Keep your head up pretty. I know it's a long road, and mostly it's a mental battle, but not only will your body thank you but your mind will become SO strong from overcoming your weaknesses! You can do this!!

Do you have any tips you attribute your fitness success to?!

How To Stay Motivated

If you want to achieve greatness stop asking for permission. 
Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out. 
John Wooden

To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong.

If you are not willing to risk the usual you will have to settle for the ordinary. 
Jim Rohn

Trust because you are willing to accept the risk, not because it's safe or certain.

Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success. 
Swami Vivekananda

All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them. 
Walt Disney

Good things come to people who wait, but better things come to those who go out and get them. 

If you do what you always did, you will get what you always got. 

Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm. 
Winston Churchill

Just when the caterpillar thought the world was ending, he turned into a butterfly.
Chinese Proverb

Successful entrepreneurs are givers and not takers of positive energy. 

1Whenever you see a successful person you only see the public glories, never the private sacrifices to reach them. 
Vaibhav Shah

Opportunities don't happen, you create them. 
Chris Grosser

Try not to become a person of success, but rather try to become a person of value. 
Albert Einstein

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.
Eleanor Roosevelt

I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. 
Thomas A. Edison

If you don't value your time, neither will others. Stop giving away your time and talents- start charging for it. 
Kim Garst

A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him. 
David Brinkley

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. 
Eleanor Roosevelt

& last but not least - my favourite...

Whether you think you can or think you can't, 
either way you are right.
Henry Ford

Thursday 21 August 2014

Expectations for Business Building Dolls

My Charlie is Moving In!

    YAYYY! The time has flewnnnn by -

    Only 13 more days till my teddybear Charlie will be coming down to live with me & my Mama and StepDad are visiting! eeeeek! 

    The house is about to get BUSY and I absolutely can not WAIT! This house is SO ready to have my little pup walking around leaving a ray of sunshine wherever he goes, hehe! 

Return of TurboFire


    So... as much as I love the 21 Day Fix and have learned incredible things about nutrition and portion control... I MISS TurboFire.


Me? Enjoying a workout? 

    The dancing, the pumping, the right hooks & left jabs, and singing along to "PUSH IT real good" have me going back to my original baby! I mean... it DID help me lose 20 lbs so this is DEF a safe choice. Let's see where this plus the 21 Day Fix meal plan take me! I can't wait to show you guys my pictures after Round 2!

    If you want to check out turbo fire, poke around this site here! & if you want to order it with me as your coach click here!

Wednesday 20 August 2014

10 Fitness Secrets From The VS Angels

    Let's be real—who doesn't want to know the fitness regimens of some of the world's most beautiful girls? Luckily for you, we spoke to Doutzen Kroes's and Adriana Lima's trainer, Michael Olajide, Jr.! Michael is a published author and former professional boxer who took his training tactics out of the ring to establish Aerospace NYC, one of Manhattan's most elite fitness destinations. Now, the Angels' tricks are coming right to you! Michael is sharing his 10 hallmark fitness tips, and we're pretty sure you'll never look the same again. Take notes!
1."Make your workout athletic emulation," Michael says. "If you do what an athlete does, you'll end up looking like one! Plus, it won't be boring like weight-lifting or other monotonous activities, and the benefits are guaranteed." His favorite Angel-approved technique? "Shadow boxing. It's great! You can also do the conditioning a boxer does, like jumping rope, ab work, and push ups to supplement your activity." If you're more of a lover than a fighter, Michael also approves of ballet, running, and cycling.
2. "Create your playlist so your song selection gets more motivating as you workout," Olajide says. "Adriana loves new electronica for her workouts. For Doutzen, her husband is a DJ, so he works with incredible electronic and house music, which is extremely motivating. It has a great pace, so you can really move to it. Some of the girls also like hip hop, such as Jay Z or Rick Ross." The cardinal rule of music selection? "The last song should be the most impactful."
3. Opposites attract when it comes to your workout. "If you are a high energy individual, learn to be still. Take a yoga class," Olajide suggests. "Do something that's counterintuitive to your personality. If you're dedicated to yoga, try a strength or speed program." 
4. "Work out at least 6 days of the week," he insists. "It doesn't matter the intensity or the length of time. Just make it a daily habit." 
5. "Do mostly cardio. Healthy blood flow is the cure to what ails most of us," Olajide says. This is arguably the most important tip of them all. Good cardio is the cornerstone of a healthy body!
6. "Do a workout with a learning curve, or something that requires developing a skill," Olajide says. "Think boxing, ballet, or kick-boxing. Doutzen loves ballet and Adriana does everything from bootcamp classes to boxing." If you're a member of a sports team, you're already working on this item, so good for you! If you're not, pick up a tennis or a swim lesson, or hop into a dance class.
7. "Hire a personal trainer once in a while to boost your abilities and teach you new things," says Olajide For some people, planning a workout can be the bigger challenge than the actual workout itself. Fitness experts call that "gym-timidation." Personal training is a solid first step to conquering your fear and kickstarting a routine that works for you. A trainer will cater to your needs, abilities, and desired results. All you have to do is show up! If you already belong to a gym, ask one of the staff members to tell you more about the training packages they offer. If your gym doesn't offer training services or if you don't have a gym membership, look into personal training gyms in your area. Just remember Michael's advice: It doesn't have to be a year-long commitment. Save up for one month of training, then try a month on your own. Revisit your trainer when you (and your bank account) feel it's necessary.
8. Make a date of it! "Train with a friend. Whether he or she is faster or stronger than you or not, you will learn from teaching as well as being taught," Olajide says. They say misery loves company, you know...
9. "Take one day out of the month where you don't eat or drink anything processed or manufactured," Olajide says. That's right—we're putting away our Kit-Kats. Eliminating processed foods starts will aids your internal organs all the way to the most external (not to mention the largest organ of them all, your skin!). Pay attention to how your body feels the morning after eliminating processed flour, chips, and other bad-for-you ingredients. You just might be surprised.
10. "Master the jump rope," Olajide insists. "It's the most convenient, efficient, and effective workout ever!"
By: Lucy McLaughlin from --> THANK YOU LUCY!! 

My FiloFax Quest & Obsession

    Hey pretties! Have any of you heard of the FiloFax? Well, in case if you haven't - it's basically the HOLY GRAIL of day planners. Here are some pics that made ME a complete obsessor.

Observe... incredibly cute notebook looking binder thingy.

Open up &... voila!! An organized, scrapbooked, day planner FULL of cuteness.

    Okay, am I the only one thinking this will seriously improve my organization in life? Because I seriously think that if I can turn organizing my day into a decorating event - it'll be enjoyable to plan, refer back to, and cross those baby's off my list!! Basically, Filofax is a brand... kind of like Kleenex. And there are other "binder planners" or "tissues" but most people refer to ALL binder planners as a filofax, just like most people call all tissues Kleenex! I'm currently eyeing the Kikki.k Large planner which is the same as the A5 Original Filofax. A5 is the size, and it's the largest available in the "FiloFax" style.

Isn't she beautiful?! 

    It turns out there's a HUGE world of filofaxing. People are avidly decorating their planners and sharing it with groups on facbeook, instagram etc. I've also found countless boards on pinterest, blogs devoted to this, and SO many "filofaxers" across the world! (The Kikki.k is from the UK)

    I know this is not normal content that I post about but it's really been at the forefront of my mind lately and I am DEF getting one. I've already started getting my washi tape collection together. ;)

Mac Lipstick Dupe


    Hey guys! In case if you haven't heard of the makeup expression "dupe" it means a knock-off. In the massive world of beauty, it means same color, same job, different brand, less cost ;) So, you can probably assume why it's incredibly awesome when a good dupe is found for colors that are really hot for the season!

    This Fall, dark and sexy lips are quickly gaining popularity. They first regained popularity last year at this time but it was SO new that people still thought of it as "goth." Remember back in the day when some of "those goth kids" would wear black or purple lipstick? Yeah, me too. *shudder* JK! We're all friends here :) ANYWAYS - it's a hot trend and luckily you can try it on a budget! Thank gosh right? I don't know how often I would want to wear this color, so I would have a tough time justifying $15 for a rare occasion product. (The picture below & discovery is from --> THANK YOU!!!)

    On the left is MAC "Rebel" (HOT color I might add), and on the right our DUPE is Milani "Uptown Mauve". In the tube, Milani's lipstick looks much more pinky, but once on the color is pretty much IDENTICAL. Gorgeous, right? I can't wait to try this trend. Exsqueeze me while I speed off to Wal-Mart right now!

How to Win at Life

    Hey guys! I was listening to a Dani Johnson call/webinar today and I REALLY felt my heart and stomach stirring. What she said was not far from things I've heard before but she went DEEP and with such passion that it opened my eyes to what's been holding me back...  excuses. I took a lot of notes so I want to share some of what I learned in hopes that it'll impact some of you the way it did myself.

    The #1 cause of failure is excuses. Have you ever heard that before? I have... but not in the context that it was presented to me today. I've always wanted to become the "do what it takes... get it done" kind of girl. I always told myself things like I don't have time, I'm too stressed out, maybe next month, next week, or tomorrow etc. Well, it's time that we as a society, and I, master the art of FINDING A WAY instead of finding an excuse.

    The first step to to this... yep you've guessed it - get over your excuses. Don't settle for less in a comfort zone that really ISN'T that comfortable. 

-- Excuses lead to frustration and failures, failures lead to an unhappy life and a big fat rut. 

-- Excuses stop us from becoming who we want to become.

    It's time. The time is right now. Do something extraordinary, and do something drastic. Whether you want to start a business, lose weight, find an incredible relationship, connect with God, get out of debt, WHATEVER it is... you can do it. 

Find a way to make it happen. Give it your best shot, because your best is good enough.

Saturday 16 August 2014

How to Increase Your Success Ratio ;)

Since adjusting to being MY own BOSS, I've really had to understand a few things. 

    1. Without risk, there can be no success.

    2. The more you fail, the more you succeed.

    3. No one can create success for you.

    The first time I heard this expression things just CLICKED for me. I hope it does the same for you! Whatever your GOALS may be - treat them seriously and you will be REWARDED seriously.

To sum it up, if you want to increase the rate that you succeed, you've GOT to increase the rate that you fail! Do NOT be afraid of failure. Embrace it. Get cozy with trial and error and keep moving forward!!


Love ya!

Free Day Planner Printable

    Hey gals! I made this printable for my PUSH group and I wanted to share it with you guys in case if you want a day planner to help you organize and skyrocket through your goals!!

    Check it out :) I made a few color options LOL. I know the pinks are VERY close, but when I made the first one it was a little too "purpley" for me so I wanted to make one a bit more "pinky".

Enjoy lovelies!

The Future...

don't stop believing
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
- Eleanore Roosevelt

Free Weekly Print Planner!

    Hey sweeties! Since becoming my own boss the biggest thing I've had to work on is TIME MANAGEMENT. The only way to improve on time management is to... MANAGE IT! haha, clever right? jk ;)

    So, I've been doing some looking around to try and find a planner that allows me to schedule EVERYTHING in, and I mean everything. Luckily, I found this gem in one of our facebook groups "The Bombshell Dynasty!"

    I've started using this to schedule in my workouts, business hours, reading time (and which book I'll read) and I have to say - it feels fantastic! Print this out, give it a try & see how you feel!

I hope you enjoy!! 

How To Master Organization & Achieving Goals - Free Group!

Hey pretties!!! 

    I'm looking for some people to join me in a free 30 day group to ACHIEVING GOALS! This is a program made by Chalean Johnson that takes 5-10 minutes per day. 

    You see... I've tried it a few times before and always fell off the bandwagon around day 15-20. So this time - I'm hoping to find others who want to go through this program TOGETHER! We can keep each other accountable and stay on track to "Master Organization and Setting & Achieving Goals" I'm hoping this is a good time for my student friends out there to start the year off strong, or for anyone who wants to get on track with living healthy in time to complete those NY Resolutions Whatever YOUR "target" is, I want to help set the groundwork to make it happen! 

    Thanks to Chalean, we'll have the tools and skills to change your life and create the future of your dreams. 

Email me - or add me on facebook and message me there if you want to join!

Starting: Monday the 25th

Friday 15 August 2014

Never Give Up

"Never Give Up"

I feel like this saying represents SO many of us & for good reason! There are multiple setbacks in life - whether it's in your personal life, relationships, health journey, career etc. It doesn't matter WHAT it is, chances are you've experienced disappointment.

There have been times in the past when I wanted to throw in the towel when it came to losing weight and I would tell myself "I'm not even seeing results!" and then 2 weeks later I would compare my photos and say to myself "WOW. Thank gosh I didn't stop."

If you've read the Compound Effect, you'll know ALL about the "Merry Go-Round" or the "Water Pump" analogy. We're working and working, pumping the water and nothings coming up - nothings happening! But the truth is, all the water is being sucked up from underground and it needs to build pressure first. Then seemingly like magic, right before you think NOTHING is gonna happen, water starts pouring out generously.

That principle applies to everything in life - just when you think you're not going anywhere... you're actually on the BRINK of a breakthrough. So, if you're at a plateau with weightless - keep going! You're soooo close. Or if you're close to giving up on a career related goal - keep going! You'll be noticed soon. You're life WILL CHANGE if you can understand the importance of persistence. Keep going!

Whatever it is - "Never Give Up"