Wednesday 27 August 2014

How To Get Rid of Cellulite

Hey pretty girls!! This is SUCH an important post because we ALL struggle with cellulite eventually in our lives, it's inevitable to happen. 

What IS cellulite? It's the lumpy bumps of skin caused when fat presses up against the vertical connective tissue that surrounds fat cells in our thighs AKA the dimpled effect.

What causes it? Genetics, hormones (estrogen), extra weight, smoking, stress, poor diet, high alcohol consumption, lack of exercise, etc. Some of those factors are out of your control, but MOST aren't! MEANING: you can get rid of MOST of your cellulite! Say it with me "YAY!!!"

1. Eat healthy! Eat plenty of fiber, fruits, vegetables & whole grains, this will help to remove waste and toxins from the intestinal tract! In addition to that, eat lean proteins as your main muscle and energy building source (the more muscle you have, the faster your metabolism is... the faster your metabolism is, the less body fat --> the less cellulite!)

2. Drink PLENTY of water! Increase your daily water intake - this will help shed excess fat including the fat that's stored as cellulite! In addition to that, water strengthens you the collagen in skin which will help to reduce the lumpy look and keep you looking younger! Less wrinkles & no cellulite? YES please! :))))

3. Exercise regularly! Cellulite is fat, bottom line. It's important to do both cardio and strength training a few times per week to keep your metabolism revved up! I recommend High Intensity Interval Training, also known as HIIT along with your cardio and strength training. HIIT is a MAJOR fat blaster! PS. TurboFire has 3 HIIT workouts in it & they're sooo fun! 

4. Use an exfoliator! Use an exfoliator scrub with some sort of caffeine ingredient in it. Caffiene is supposed to break up fatty deposits as you massage it into your skin. In ADDITION to that, it also tightens, hydrates, and plumps your skin!

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