Thursday 28 August 2014

Eat Protein To Lose Weight

Hi fitness friends! Today I want to share the important of proper protein in your diet. Many people have the misconception that in order to lose weight you need to eat a little bit of food and workout hard at the gym for 3 hours - NOT TRUE! Myth - BUSTED!

One of the most important parts of a successful weight loss plan is nutrition. Well, protein is essential for giving our body the proper fuel and energy it needs to function properly, recover, and aid in weight-loss.

Why? Protein plays a vital part in aiding the body's building, repairing and structural blocks of every cell in your body. You see, proteins are made up of smaller units called amino acids!

Amino acids link up in various combinations to form chains. They can be divided into 2 groups, non-essential amino acids (your body can make on its own) & essential amino acids (the ones you can only get from dietary sources). Our bodies are unable to store protein so it's clear that we need to eat protein with every meal in order to allow our bodies to absorb the amino acids properly! Unfortunatly, we can't stock up on protein by eating it once a week! Absorption of protein/amino acids is sooo important! If amino acids are absent in our diet, the production of proteins that include there essential amino acids are reserved in your body. Wrose, if you do not eat sufficient amounts of protein your body has to find it elsewhere and looks to your muscles for answers. Less muscle --> slower metabolism --> more fat stores!

Another reason protein is so important is that it takes more work to digest, metabolize, and use, which means your body burns more calories processing protein! Foods high in protein also take longer to leave your stomach - which makes you feel full sooner and longer.

Last but not least, your body uses the amino acids in protein to build lean muscle, which NOT ONLY makes you more toned and stronger, but assists in scorching more calories and more fat - keeping your metabolism in high gear! Say it with me, YAY!!!!!

**By the way** I'm a serious advocate that women don't need a protein supplement & that we should be getting our protein from natural sources like eggs and chicken, etc.

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