Thursday 31 July 2014

What to Eat Before & After Your Workout

If you're anything like me - when you started you fitness journey you were at ground 0. I was CLUELESS! I'm still learning new things everyday and it's a constant journey to be on but I've learned some really important things so far that I want to share with you! Something I used to ask myself all the time was "Should I eat before my workout?" If yes "What should I eat? An orange? Eggs?" CLEARLY I had a lot to learn! After my workout I would mostly eat some big fattening burger since I "earned it" haha, now I know THAT'S not going to help me. I invested some time into figuring out what to eat Before/After my workouts and it has made a WORLDS difference... These are my absolute fav's!

1) Whole Wheat Toast with Sliced Banana and Cinnamon
2) Greek Yogurt and Trail Mix
3) Shakeology
4) Oatmeal with Blueberries
5) Apple Slices with Almond Butter

1) Grilled Chicken and Mixed Vegetables
2) Veggie Omelet with Avacado
3) Shakeology (YES! it's perfect for before or after)
4) Salmon with Sweet Potato
5) Whole Wheat Tuna, Hummus, and Spinach Sandwhich
6) Cup of Milk


I hope anyone reading this knows its not about being beautiful on the OUTSIDE, but rather being beautiful on the INSIDE. Having a kind heart, an open mind, and a warm soul is SO much more appealing than ANY exterior could be.


Veggie Quinoa Stuffed Peppers Recipe


3 red peppers - cored (and tops diced to be used in mixture) 
1 cup cooked quinoa 
1 tbsp olive oil 
1 medium red onion, diced 
1 garlic clove, minced 
2 tbsp fresh cilantro 
2 tsp turmeric 
1 tsp ground ginger 
1/2 cup corn kernels (non GMO) 
1/2 cup frozen peas 
1/4 cup mozzarella 
1/4 cup organic tomato paste 


Preheat oven to 375F
In a medium saucepan, heat olive oil, cook onions until translucent, then add red peppers & garlic.
Add cilantro, turmeric & ginger and mix well until cooked through. 
Remove about 2 tbsp of mixture and set aside for the sauce.
Add corn, peas & cooked quinoa and mix well.
Stuff mixture into red peppers and top with cheese.
In the same saucepan, mix the onion mixture with tomato paste & 2 cups of boiling water to make the sauce. When blended well, pour over stuffed peppers.
Bake in oven for 20-25 minutes!

Bon Appétit!

The BEST Tips & Tricks to Grow Long Healthy Hair

Hey lovelies! Today I wanted to share with you some of my FAVORITE tips & tricks for keeping your hair healthy. YES! I DO wear extensions, and I LOVE them! I absolutely swear by my clip-ins. But my hair is still my pride and joy and I do my VERY best to take absolute care of it! I've tried it all... oils, homemade masks, expensive masks, CHEAP masks, an ARRAY of conditioners etc etc.
When I say I've tried it ALL, I really do mean it. Through my extensive (and huge assortment) or hair tips and tricks I want to share with you guys what I've figured out to be the BEST of the BEST!


The difference between a protein versus a moisture mask is SO important. Moisture masks are INCREDIBLE for hydrating strands as a whole, but if you are encountering BREAKAGE you need to be on a protein treatment to rebuild your follicle resilience. You should always follow a protein treatment with a moisture mask afterwards, this way your hair will rebuild it's strength while remaining soft. Something I've learned along the way -- apply the proper mask during your shower, then use a shower cap to lock in heat for a greater conditioning.


I can't tell you enough the difference it made on my hair when I switched from a regular shampoo --> to a SULFATE FREE shampoo! If you haven't already - do it now. As for conditioners, make sure it's *silicone free*. Silicones form a barrier on the hair shaft and make it feel TEMPORARILY smoother, but actually cause MORE damage to the hair over time.


I know it's not IDEAL, but your hair will be! Try sleeping with your locks completely saturated in the oil at LEAST two nights a week and your hair will seriously thank you! Make sure the coconut oil is

  • Organic
  • Cold/Expeller Pressed
  • Extra Virgin

I use the coconut oil from GNC and it lasts me 3-4 months -- SO WORTH IT! Also, your pillow case WILL absorb some of the oil so make sure you wash them frequently!


You are what you eat! Eating a healthy diet will help your hair grow faster, thicker, and glossier. Be sure yo get the right vitamins and nutrients EVERY day. Biotin and Vitamin B both promote healthy skin, hair and nail growth. I take 5000mcg of Biotin a day as well as my Shakeology. Since adding both of those to my routine my hair has started growing IMMENSELY. I'm still slightly torn on whether thats a good or a bad thing since now my roots need to be done more often ;) hehe jk, it's TOTALLY a good thing. Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day as well to make sure your body (and hair) is hydrated properly.


I know this one is a given, but it's equally as important. You should only be heat styling your hair twice a week MAX if you're trying to repair OR grow. Save those babies for the weekend, and rock a cute ponytail or braid during the week. When you do use hot tools, make sure to spritz your hair with a heat protector beforehand and use the curler/straightener on the lowest heat setting!


Hot water can REALLY dry out your hair and leave it dull. No one wants that! After shampooing and conditioning rinse with cool water to close your cuticle and lock in moisture.


Ladies, PLEASE don't brush your hair when it's wet! Trust me when I say, a wide tooth comb is your BEST friend! When you get out of the shower make sure to use a leave in conditioner. I spray my hair with a Keratin treatment and comb it through gently. This allows the product to work it's way through any tangles without stretching your hair (which is often what happens when your brush it while wet)


Massage your scalp for two minutes per day using the tips of your fingers. This boosts blood circulation and stimulates the follicles to produce and release sebum. You can also use a stimulating scalp oil! Home made ones tends to be the best since you can guarantee there won't be any secret chemicals in them. Try:

  • 1 oz of Almond Oil
  • 3 drops of Lavender Oil
  • 3 drops of Vitamin E Oil
  • 4 drops of Vitamin B Oil
Apply a few drops of your oil to your head right before your massage. The almond oil will moisturize and the lavender, vitamin E & B will increase circulation! 

Those are my SACRED tips on healing and repairing hair. It doesn't matter how damaged or dry your hair is, you can always improve it and help grow faster! 
I hope you love them as much as I do!

Wednesday 30 July 2014

Sweet Potato Fries & Siracha Dip Recipe

  • 1 large sweet potato, peeled and cut into 1/4" thickness 
  • 1/2 tsp paprika 
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder 
  • 1/2 tsp black pepper 
  • Sea Salt to taste 
  • Drizzle of olive oil for tossing 

  • 2 tbsp Greek yogurt
  • 2 tbsp ketchup
  • 2 tsp Siracha
  • 1/2 tsp onion powder
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder

Preheat oven to 450F
In a large bowl, toss sweet potatoes with olive oil and spices. Then spread sweet potatoes in single layer on baking sheet lined with paper. Bake for 20-25 minutes, turning halfway through until they are golden brown!

PS. Did you guys know that ONE sweet potato provides 400% of your daily vitamin A requirements!!

Tuesday 29 July 2014

How to Set Goals

If you're anything like me, you know that setting goals is REALLY important. However, it's not always the easiest. 
Goal setting basically ALLOWS us to choose how we want to move through life. Sometimes I would get lost and over whelmed trying to achieve too much too soon! Until I found the SMART method... Something I've learned from following my idol/mentor/trainer, Chalean Johnson, is that in order to set goals PROPERLY they need to be SMART!

Too many times we start attacking "goal setting" without a PLAN of action. While this is good for some - it won't always help you produce the results you're looking for. The SMART method keeps us on track and allows us to focus on the goals that really matter & from setting small goals, we're more likely to stick to them - leading us to GREATER SUCCESS over time! WIN-WIN! 

Here is a breakdown of the SMART method --

Small -- A SMART Goal is a goal than can be broken into smaller pieces. Think BITE-SIZED. Break your big goals for the year into smaller goals that can be accomplished in a month or less. Choose something that will EXCITE you, make you feel good about what you’ve accomplished, and motivate you to continue moving forward! 

Measurable -- In order for us to track our progress, goals need to be measurable! "I'm going to workout more" is WAY more difficult to track and measure than "I'm going to workout 6 times per week."

Achievable -- It is important to evaluate your situation honestly and recognize which goals are realistic, and which are a little far-fetched. Instead of, "I am going to be this decades Mother Teresa" (VERY admirable) it's more realistic to say, "I am going to volunteer four nights a week at my local animal shelter or soup kitchen." You feel me?! When setting a goal, take into consideration what is required to achieve it.  Your goals should push you, but they should also be attainable, healthy, and aligned with your priorities!

Rewarding -- Identify any positive side effects, benefits, and rewards for reaching your goal – no matter how small they are! Make a list of these benefits as a reminder of what you’re working toward.  This way, each time you check a goal off your list, you’ll feel a sense of confidence and momentum! 

Time sensitive -- Setting a date to meet your goals not only keeps you on track, but it prevents daily roadblocks from getting in the way. Instead of saying "I'm going to get my college degree" you should say "I'm going to get my B.A. in 4 years." 


Aside from the technique of setting goals - they should ALSO cover all the categories of your life!! Here is a list of areas to get the juices flowing:

CAREER - ask yourself what your ideal job is! What steps do you need to take to get that job? What are the roadblocks? 
Do you need a specific degree or certificate or skills?
FINANCIAL - you should try to consider where your money will come from! How much money do
 you need to live comfortably? What are the best ways to spend or invest money? 
Do you want a bigger house, a new car, or to start a savings plan?
FAMILY - do you want to have children, when? Do you want to have dogs? 
RELATIONSHIP - consider the type of relationship you want (long-term partner, marriage, etc.) 
What are the characteristics of a partner would make you two a good fit?
EDUCATION - think about what kind of study you'd like to pursue. 
Are you going to school to further you career? What kinds of books can you read to 
enhance your Personal Development (PS I'm ALL about Personal Development) 
Are there alternate ways to enter the career you want, like apprenticeships or internships, languages?
HEALTH - consider whether changes need to be made to make you healthy! What can you do to
 maintain good health as you get older? Think about whether there are specific goals you want to
 meet such as losing a certain amount of weight or fitting into that special dress again!
SPIRITUALITY - maybe you want to have a closer relationship with God (like me), 
or you want to commit to Buddhism, or feel a connection to the 
Universe and your source of power.

Goodluck with your goal setting! My last piece of advise to you is to really sit down, give yourself some private time and FOCUS on you and what you want! You won't regret it this!

Tuna Casserole Pasta Recipe

From: FeelGoodFoodie


  • 8 oz whole wheat elbow macaroni 
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil 
  • 1 onion diced 
  • 2 tbsp whole wheat flour 
  • 2 cups vegetable broth 
  • 1 cup low fat milk 
  • 1 cup mushrooms diced 
  • 2 cup frozen peas & carrots 
  • 2 (5 oz) cans albacore tuna, drained 
  • 1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese (plus 2 tbsp for topping) 
  • 2 tbsp whole wheat breadcrumbs 


Pre-heat oven to 375F

Cook noodles al dente & set aside. 
Cook onions with coconut oil until soft, then add flour and stir well. 
Whisk in broth & milk, then add vegetables, and cook until sauce thickens.
Add tuna & cheese & cook another minute. 
Transfer pasta to the saucepan and mix well, then transfer everything to a lightly greased casserole dish. 
Top with cheddar cheese & breadcrumbs, and cook at 375F for 25-30 minutes.

VOILA! The most amazing Tuna Casserole you'll ever have! No more "Tuna Helper" days hehe.

*Feel Good Fact* Whole wheat pasta has 4 TIMES the amount of fiber in regular pasta, YAY!

How to Bleach Hair at Home

Good morning ladies!! I want to share with you the secret to something I get asked ALL the time... it doesn't matter where I go, at least 3-5 times a week I get asked 
"I love your hair! Where do you get it done?!" 
And people are always surprised to hear me say 
"Oh, I do it myself!"
And yes... I TRULY do it myself! I did some EXTENSIVE research, watched youtube after youtube tutorial, went to Sally's, and dyed it for the first time myself last January (2013). I have to admit, I was REALLY scared. I just couldn't keep up with the cost of seeing a hairdresser every month to maintain my roots! SO - I got a little creative, and it paid off big time! I've been doing my own hair for a year and a half and I do my roots every 2-3 weeks. 

I KNOW that's a lot, but I LOVE the appearance of fresh roots - and since it's inexpensive & I can do it when it's convenient for me, it works out well! My hair is naturally dark blonde, but I've always LOVED the platinum blonde/playboy bunny blonde. This will work on dark or light hair. If your hair is dark brown, you will need to do this twice to get it to the blonde you want, but only do it once per day! 

I wanted to give you a step by step of how I do it so that hopefully some aspiring blondes out there can do this on a low budget! ;) The cost is about $40 to get everything you need the first time. Those goodies will last you at least 8 months though - BIG money saver!

The supplies you need are: 

30 OR 40 Volume Developer
(30 vol. if your hair is naturally dark blonde to light brown, 
40 vol. if your hair is darker than that)
Wella Bleach Powder
Mixing Bowl
Applicator Brush

You want to mix the bleach powder with the developer in your mixing bowl with a 2:1 ratio. Don't get confused, this is easy trust me! One scoop of bleach powder (usually 30g) then pour in 60g of developer (until the level reaches 90g) 
Does that make sense? It needs to be at 90g because you already added 30g of the powder :)

Mix it with the brush until it becomes a nice creamy consistency. 

If your just doing your roots, start at the bottom of your head and work your way up.
If you're dying your whole head of hair, start at the base of your hair, and apply it to your ends last. Try to work quickly! If you used 30 vol. developer - leave it on your hair/roots for 25 minutes. If you used 40 vol. developer - leave it on your hair for 30 minutes.

After your timer has finished - rinse the bleach out, wash your hair with a PURPLE shampoo and deep condition your hair! My secret weapon is Aveda Damage Remedy. It smells amazing and on top of that it will work WONDERS on your hair!

I thought about going into GREAT detail about how to do this, and how to make sure every single thing was EXACTLY like this person or that person -BUT- what I've learnt is that there are SO many small varieties out there when it comes to doing your own hair. When I was doing my research I WISH someone had just made a plain, simple and straightforward post. That was my goal for this! It really is as simple as it sounds. Don't be afraid! 

Goodluck ladies!!!! 

Monday 28 July 2014

Healthy Grocery List!

Truth be told, I'm not a great cook. I still have a LOT of work to do when it comes to the kitchen. At the beginning of my weightless journey I knew basically NOTHING about eating "clean". I tried to follow a Vegan diet once, tried Vegetarianism, Paleo... basically I tried anything that told me I could get results! The problem was... I always found a way to fit tortilla chips into a diet. I'M NOT ALONE! Seriously. Did you guys know that technically Oreo cookies are VEGAN?! Yeah... me neither till I became vegan and googled the heck out of "Vegan Desserts" #woops.

As I've progressed through out my weightless journey I've come to realize that there is no secret sauce, quick fix, easy list to follow that gaurantees X lbs in X days! SAD, but TRUE. It's not as simple as eating Paleo, Vegetarian, or Carb Free etc etc etc. What I CAN tell you is something that I've realized actually WORKS! And yes, it's really just - eating clean. When I first started I had no idea what it meant to really "EAT CLEAN" in fact, I thought whole grain bagels and peanut butter was a healthy breakfast because it's "Whole Grain and Protein!" WRONG! Well kinda.... that would be okay on occasion, but it's DEFINITELY not the kind of food that's going to help you accomplish your weight loss goals. Have you ever heard the expression "Abs are made in the kitchen"? It's TRUE! Losing weight is 80% diet, 20% fitness.

I wanted to start at the absolute basics of clean eating, and where does that begin?! At the GROCERY STORE! Yay!!!! (FYI, I love ALL forms of shopping) So here's a grocery list of the foods that I tend to follow in order to get variety, nutrients, and of course healthy meals and snacks!


  • Chicken Breast
  • Lean Ground Turkey
  • Eggs (& LOTS of them!)
  • Cottage Cheese
  • Shredded low-moisture Mozzarella
  • Greek Yogurt
  • Tempeh
  • Tuna


  • Spinach
  • Bell Peppers
  • Tomatoes
  • Cherries
  • Asparagus
  • Strawberries
  • Blueberries
  • Gala Apples
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Banana
  • Brussel Sprouts
  • Mango


  • Sweet Potato
  • Instant Oatmeal
  • Quinoa 
  • Cinnamon Raison Ezekial Bread


  • Natural Peanut Butter
  • Low-sodium Soy Sauce
  • Mustard
  • Hummus
  • Avocado
There you have it! My Grocery list. I will update this as my preferences change but as of right now, thats prettyyyyy much what you'll find in my kitchen! Except for maybe a bag of Kettle Corn or so ;) Remember folks, this is a lifestyle!

5 Tips to Beat Bloating!

Ughhhhh, am I the only one who bloats SO easily?! Okay. I KNOW I'm not. But seriously! Bloating is one of the worst feelings in the world. It's so uncomfortable and on top of that - makes me feel like I've gained 5 lbs instantly. NOT COOL! Luckily I've been doing some research and I've made a list of  ways to beat the bloat! Thank goshhhhh.

Drink 1 Gallon of Water Per Day
OR what you can do is figure out your required amount of water based on your weight! Take your weight, divide that in half, and drink that amount in oz's per day! For example - if you weigh 140 lbs, you need to be drinking 70 oz. of water PER DAY! 

Eat More Fiber
Make sure you're getting enough Fiber! Fiber is found in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and legumes.

Slow Down Your Eating
Eating quickly and not chewing your food well can cause air swallowing that leads to bloating. Your meals should last 20-30 minutes.

Avoid Carbonated Drinks
It turns out that carbonated drinks, even diet ones, can cause gas to get trapped in your belly. Instead, I've been trying to drink water with lemon, cucumber, or lime. YUM!!

Avoid Gum and Sugar Foods
Chewing gum can cause you to swallow too much air, leading to bloating. Also, foods with artificial sugar in them cause water retention ALSO causing bloating. YIKES!

Drink cucumber water, it'll add flavor AND help to detox the body!

Brazil Butt Lift - Day 1

Hey Ladies! So today I took my "before" picture for my 6 weeks of Brazil Butt Lift. I have to say I am SO excited! I'm hoping to tone up my stomach, thighs and booty. My current weight is 125lbs and I'd like to get to 120lbs.

Day 1 Pictures

My goal body --

I'm doing this journey with some girlfriends in my private facebook challenge group. I have to say - I feel BEYOND blessed to be helping other women achieve THEIR goals alongside my own. Wish me luck in losing the last 5lbs and toning my midsection! PS. If you want to join the next months challenge group add me on facebook! 

How I lost my FIRST 10lbs

Good Afternoon Dolls! 
I want to take a few minutes and share with you guys part of my journey so far. This year started off REALLY rough for me - I had just ended a long overdue and TOXIC relationship, I had gained weight during the "grieving phase" of the breakup, and my insecurity was at an all time LOW. My weight had gotten up to 142 lbs, and TRUST ME - on my 5'3 frame that was a LOT. I decided I was ready to gain control of what I COULD, so I started doing Turbofire - something I already had in my night table drawer but never actually followed through on. 

When I took my "before" photos I almost cried, and whats worse is I was SUCKING IN! I was too screed to see where I actually was physically. Once I started TurboFire, I could feel small changes right away and that motivated me to KEEP GOING! I wasn't perfect though. I missed some workouts and I DEF had my "cheat meals". As the number on the scale got smaller my self esteem GREW! Not because I felt my success is determined by the number on the scale, but because I knew I was actually making positive changes in my life and following through on my commitment. After 45 days I took another set of pictures to see where I was at, and THANK GOSH! I was so excited to see some changes!

Here are the pictures from Day 1 - Day 45

Before - After
142lbs - 132lbs

I lost 10 llbs! And I was not stopping there. Since these pictures I've finished Turbofire and gotten my weight to 125lbs. EEEEK! I'm doing Brazil Butt Lift now and I CAN NOT wait to share with you guys my before and afters from that program! Keep you posted!

Meet my Charliekins!

As silly as it seems, I guess my first post is about my very own fur baby, CHARLIE! <3
This little guy owns my heart. I got Charlie in Canada shortly after graduating from High School in 2010. I moved with my mom from Calgary to Regina with Charlie in tow. Sadly, a short 10 months later I was now moving from Regina to California, only this time I had to leave Charlie behind. My heart was BROKEN! You see... I was moving in with my Dad at the time and he didn't want any pets. Not only was leaving my Mom the hardest thing I've ever had to do but leaving Charlie behind aswell made me a pretty sad girl. I've been in California for almost 3 years now and I am SO happy to announce that FINALLY Charlie and I will be reunited and living together again. 
37 days until my AMAZING Mother comes to San Diego for a visit, and ALSO brings my Charliekins with her. I can't wait!