Tuesday 29 July 2014

How to Set Goals

If you're anything like me, you know that setting goals is REALLY important. However, it's not always the easiest. 
Goal setting basically ALLOWS us to choose how we want to move through life. Sometimes I would get lost and over whelmed trying to achieve too much too soon! Until I found the SMART method... Something I've learned from following my idol/mentor/trainer, Chalean Johnson, is that in order to set goals PROPERLY they need to be SMART!

Too many times we start attacking "goal setting" without a PLAN of action. While this is good for some - it won't always help you produce the results you're looking for. The SMART method keeps us on track and allows us to focus on the goals that really matter & from setting small goals, we're more likely to stick to them - leading us to GREATER SUCCESS over time! WIN-WIN! 

Here is a breakdown of the SMART method --

Small -- A SMART Goal is a goal than can be broken into smaller pieces. Think BITE-SIZED. Break your big goals for the year into smaller goals that can be accomplished in a month or less. Choose something that will EXCITE you, make you feel good about what you’ve accomplished, and motivate you to continue moving forward! 

Measurable -- In order for us to track our progress, goals need to be measurable! "I'm going to workout more" is WAY more difficult to track and measure than "I'm going to workout 6 times per week."

Achievable -- It is important to evaluate your situation honestly and recognize which goals are realistic, and which are a little far-fetched. Instead of, "I am going to be this decades Mother Teresa" (VERY admirable) it's more realistic to say, "I am going to volunteer four nights a week at my local animal shelter or soup kitchen." You feel me?! When setting a goal, take into consideration what is required to achieve it.  Your goals should push you, but they should also be attainable, healthy, and aligned with your priorities!

Rewarding -- Identify any positive side effects, benefits, and rewards for reaching your goal – no matter how small they are! Make a list of these benefits as a reminder of what you’re working toward.  This way, each time you check a goal off your list, you’ll feel a sense of confidence and momentum! 

Time sensitive -- Setting a date to meet your goals not only keeps you on track, but it prevents daily roadblocks from getting in the way. Instead of saying "I'm going to get my college degree" you should say "I'm going to get my B.A. in 4 years." 


Aside from the technique of setting goals - they should ALSO cover all the categories of your life!! Here is a list of areas to get the juices flowing:

CAREER - ask yourself what your ideal job is! What steps do you need to take to get that job? What are the roadblocks? 
Do you need a specific degree or certificate or skills?
FINANCIAL - you should try to consider where your money will come from! How much money do
 you need to live comfortably? What are the best ways to spend or invest money? 
Do you want a bigger house, a new car, or to start a savings plan?
FAMILY - do you want to have children, when? Do you want to have dogs? 
RELATIONSHIP - consider the type of relationship you want (long-term partner, marriage, etc.) 
What are the characteristics of a partner would make you two a good fit?
EDUCATION - think about what kind of study you'd like to pursue. 
Are you going to school to further you career? What kinds of books can you read to 
enhance your Personal Development (PS I'm ALL about Personal Development) 
Are there alternate ways to enter the career you want, like apprenticeships or internships, languages?
HEALTH - consider whether changes need to be made to make you healthy! What can you do to
 maintain good health as you get older? Think about whether there are specific goals you want to
 meet such as losing a certain amount of weight or fitting into that special dress again!
SPIRITUALITY - maybe you want to have a closer relationship with God (like me), 
or you want to commit to Buddhism, or feel a connection to the 
Universe and your source of power.

Goodluck with your goal setting! My last piece of advise to you is to really sit down, give yourself some private time and FOCUS on you and what you want! You won't regret it this!

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