Monday 2 February 2015

How To: Be Confident

You know when you see someone at the grocery store or in the mall and you just notice her walk, her talk, her eye contact, her whichever and you're like damn, that girl is confident! I want to be like that. Well, YOU CAN! HOORAY!

Confidence is not a feeling reserved for the beautiful, rich, or basically any other character you'll attribute necessary for confidence, nope! Confidence is inside of you, and you just need to dig it out!

You see, confidence is what REAL beauty is. When you see someone who grabs your attention, most of the time it's not their hair, makeup, or outfit, that looks amazing, its the way she exudes confidence. And why? Because confidence speaks volumes about self acceptance, and when you accept yourself, you're not comparing yourself to others, SO- what I'm trying to say is, when you're around someone confident you FEEL them accepting you as you are! Because they're not comparing themselves! Make sense?

Okay, great!

So, how do YOU become miss confidence?

It's really a quite simple formula. But the execution can be a little more difficult.

Let me break it down.

Step 1. Love yourself. Give yourself a hug when you wake up in the morning, tell yourself you look amazing after your shower, be kind to yourself when you make mistakes and REALLY congratulate yourself when you do awesome! 

Loving yourself can be a long journey for some women but getting there is SO important. If you have no idea where to start try repeating these outloud right now:

I am worthy of love.
I am amazing and I am more than enough.
Love flows through my effortlessly.
I love myself more and more everyday.
I accept myself for who I am because I am made perfectly for my lifetime on Earth.

The next step, and this one is kinda my favorite (guilty!)

Step 2. Love others. I KNOW! This one is unexpected but so dang fun. Love everyone you see, and give compassion when you see someone you would normally judge. Be understanding, kind, and open minded. When you love others you will love yourself more because you're allowing yourself you accept the flaws all around us. "Flaws" are actually what make each of us unique and aren't true flaws at all (this will start to make more sense eventually, scouts honor) 

When you give love, you're really giving yourself love. Its one of those beautiful laws of the Universe that when you make someone else day, you're really making your own better. So GIVE LOVE! 

Mother Teresa was a smart, smart woman who lived an incredible life. Trust her advice!!

When you love yourself, and love others, confidence will sweat out of your pores! (But not in the gross way, in the happy Elle Woods way)

| Love yourself |

Being confident is so much more than being pretty.

  • Stop comparing yourself to others! Remember, love them as you would want others to love you. Life is not a competition and you are doing an amazing job regardless.

  • Think positively! Don't listen to the negative voice inside your head. Remember, repeat those positive loving statements above.

I am worthy of love.
I am amazing and I am more than enough.
Love flows through my effortlessly.
I love myself more and more everyday.
I accept myself for who I am because I am made perfectly for my lifetime on Earth.

  • Accept mistakes! They happen, honestly. 

  • Don't let anyone define you. At some point you will come across people who don't like you, and thats perfectly normal! Embrace it with a take it or leave it attitude. 

  • Do something you love! & do it constantly! Doing things you love only make you more of who YOU are. If you love soccer, then gosh darn play soccer! Or if you love to shop, hey that mall is waiting (and so am I, call me shopping buddy!) Doing things you love make you happy. Make time for fun things, you never want to be so busy chasing a goal that you forget to live life along the way!

You don't have to be fit, skinny, or have the best hair to be confident! You don't have to be accepted by everyone either. Being confidence starts with you!
Love yourself, and love others.

xo, Jessica

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