Friday 30 January 2015

How To: Grab Life by the Balls

Step 1. Decide right now you're worth it

Wait what? What am I worth?
Every risk, failure, rejection, heartache, accident, embarrassment, frustration, downfall, misstep, EVERYTHING. You are worth it. Those mistakes MAKE YOU who you ARE! And you are on a very special road called life and you're meant to experience those things so that you can accomplish your dreams.

YES, I'm talking to you!

I know you have dreams. & you're going to accomplish them. You're not destined to aimlessly walk through life kinda experiencing a small degree of success when your 40. NOPE, you're gonna do better than that because you CAN and you're MEANT TO!

Now that we've agreed your mistakes are awesome and they were MEANT to happen we can move on to..

Step 2. Make a list of the things you want in life

Go ahead! I'll wait. Just write it down even if it feels silly. Do you want a boyfriend? A mazzerati? (Did I spell that right?) A HUGE house on the water in Mexico?

Some of those might sound silly but seriously, allow yourself to dream big for a second and write them down.

Step 3. Go for it!

What?! This is the worst advice ever!

I know what you're thinking. And it sounds crazy but it really is that simple.

Let's say the car is your biggest and wildest dream. You know what you need to do to get it, but you just don't want to do it because your afraid of failure. And that fear of failure holds you back because... if you actually go for it and fail then it would mean it'll never happen, so it's better to just stay back here doing nothing to ensure there's still the "possibility"... right? WRONG! That's LAME! You can do better than that!

If you go for it and fail, then you go for it again. and again. and again. until you get the car.

Do you catch my drift here? (haha, get it? drift?)

You are seriously the only thing holding you back.

You need to bust a#$ at your job, and work your tail off so you can get promotions. You need to save money so that you have the down payment. You need to brainstorm ideas to start your own business. You need to whatever. You have the power inside of you to do it. But you need to first realize that power and then actually ACT on it. THAT's how you get the car, the boyfriend, the job, the body, etc.

You feel me?

It sounds simple and that's because it really is! But most people don't actually do it because they allow the fear of failure to hold them back. Here's some good news for you: you're gonna fail. And then your gonna succeed. Success doesn't come without failure first. So, what's it gonna be? The safe life avoiding further failure, or embracing that old friend of yours and riding him to the land of success!
That was a lame metaphor but you know what I mean.

Ride it cowgirl!

xo, Jessica

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