Tuesday 3 February 2015

A Day in the Life of a Beachbody Coach

| This quote is a good place to start |

When I first read that quote, I was like "Dang. I've been doing it SO wrong!" But I was grateful for the realization that I wasn't working hard enough. 

When I first became a full time coach it included a lot of sex and the city, a lot of reading, and a whole lot of naps. My business was going downhill fast and I couldn't figure out "WHY?!" because "I'm doing the daily to-do list??!!" What I realized is that if I'm doing the bare minimum it means I'm gonna GET the bare minimum in return.

So, I worked through my outside issues that were clouding my brain and now I work about 8 hours a day. I'd LIKE to get to a place where I can do more like 10-12 but right now it's hard with Charlie whining for potty breaks and ball time --> I'll get there I promise!

My day now looks something like this:

6:00 AM - wake up and workout
7:00 AM - eat breakfast and pack Matt's lunch
8:00 AM - shower and get ready
9:00 AM - booty in office chair - work hours BEGIN!
                - respond to messages in inbox 
10:00 AM - create Facebook event for 21 Day Fix Extreme Launch
10:30 AM - invite 10-15 friends to the event and personalize each invite!
12:00 PM - eat lunch and take mini break
12:30 PM - blog: topic varies each day
1:30 PM - respond to more messages and follow up
2:30 PM - create Facebook content for personal page and LIKE page
3:30 PM - take Charlie for a walk
4:00 PM - update list of friends and reconnect 
4:30 PM - read personal development book (currently reading: You Are a Badass)
5:00 PM - start making dinner

Then Matt comes home and we usually relax for an hour and eat dinner, then from 7-8:30 we both do more work and during that time I'm normally creating more facebook content or inviting/responding to messages!

It makes me wonder how I could've been so delusional during my Sex and The City phase but also, I was going through a dark time and was letting outside forces affect my mindset. I'm SO glad that it's over now! I have a lot of growing to do still, and my business is really just getting started, AKA I'm at square 1 - but I'm going full steam ahead and I can't wait to see where it's at in 5, 10 years, etc. My first goal is to retire Matt in 5 years so we'll see how things are going in 2020! HOLY COW. I just freaked myself out. 2020??!?!?

Ummm, I need to go make myself some tea or shakeology to calm down.

More on this later! (after I add instagram and youtube to my arsenal)

xo, Jessica

Pictures to come!

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