Sunday 21 September 2014

How to Stop At Just 1 Cookie

Hi loves! Cookies... where do I even begin with these?! To say I still struggle with this would be an understatement LOL but a couple days ago I found an article on how to enjoy the foods you love in moderation, which I know is nothing NEW, but it gave me a lightbulb idea. What if mentally we only wanted 1 cookie? What if we genuinely had an easy time eating 1 cookie, then having some water and could move on with our day feeling oh-so-good about that delicious cookie! BRILLIANT! Right? But how to get there...?

As I've spend more time learning about foods and what we need to feel properly hydrated, fuelled, nourished etc I've realized the ACTUAL amount of carbs/fat/protein everyone needs in a day.

I used to SWEAR by low carbs. I never had any results by it, but I was deeply conditioned to think that carbs were bad and therefore should be avoided like the plague! #woops! I was seriously wrong. The average sized woman needs approximately 140 grams of carbs a day depending on muscle vs fat & goals etc but in GENERAL thats the average number. If you were properly fuelling yourself and providing your body with the amount of carbs/protein/fat it needed in a day do you think you would be more inclined to eat 1 cookie and be done?


2 out of 10 people trying to diet and "eat clean" don't eat enough carbs and protein which means there's a MAJOR gap in their nutrition. As I evaluated my own macros (carbs/protein/fat) the last few days, I realized prior to this I was eating about 70g of carbs per day and 60g of protein, when those numbers should be DOUBLED in order to meet my macro's. WHAT?! I was missing half of my nutrients! Avoiding carbs was doing me more harm then good.

Since upping my carbs and protein the last couple days I've been feeling so much more energized and less grumpy. Also, when my boyfriend ordered pizza friday night I had 2 pieces and called it a day. Normally I eat 4 pieces... yes you read that correctly - I used to split a large pizza with my boyfriend. #embarassingggggg haha.

I hope this post is clear but sometimes my words get all jumbled so to SUMMARIZE:

PLEASE check the amount of foods your eating each day. If you're trying to diet you're probably low in carbs and protein. When you start ensuring you get enough carbs into your day, you'll see you have plenty of room for the cookie and that you don't need to feel bad! 

Carb's to start incorporating in your diet

  • Oatmeal
  • Potatoes
  • Sweet Poatoes
  • Yam's
  • Whole Grain Bread
  • Pasta. Yes pasta! Don't avoid it. 

    Repeat after me: "I am allowed to eat a cookie. I am allowed to eat a cookie. I am allowed to eat a cookie." Don't feel guilty! It's about balance. You can fit that cookie into your day, and you can fit pizza into your dinner this weekend. 

    Never keep cookies off limits and you'll find you don't feel the urgency to have them right NOW. Last but not least, make sure it's a GOOD one! What's the point in eating a stale boring cookie? ;)

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