Do you want to make your workout more effective? DUH! Who doesn't! While there are tons of resources and workouts available online, here are some ways to ensure your body is a fat burning, calorie scorching, FURNACE during your workout!
1. Have a small snack 20 minutes before you start
An energy boost and essential so you don't pass out!
2. Drink water THROUGHOUT the day
Drinking it before and after is not enough. You need to be properly hydrating throughout the day since your body takes a couple hours to absorb H2O into the blood stream.
3. Warm up for 10 minutes
This should be gentle stretching and something to get the blood flowing. If your body isn't warmed up when you start your workout it'll spend the first 10-15 minutes "warming itself up" instead of burning your fat stores. What?! I know. So please, warm yourself up!
4. Multitask your muscles
Deadlifts and squats use multiple muscle groups at once making your time "a la sweat" TWICE as effective. You'll get a nice boost in your metabolism and heart rate (which doubles as your cardio) WIN!!
5. Focus on the workout
As temping as it is to send emails, texts, check facebook etc during your workout, you lose out on difficulty when your distracted. When you're working a certain muscle - FOCUS on that muscle group and imagine it being the HARDEST lift ever. More focus = more toned.
6. 8 hours of sleep
Getting enough sleep is hard for most North Americans but if you're trying to lose weight then you NEED to prioritize your beauty sleep! (It'll be a win-win when you notice your dark circles are gone too.) If a body is working out without enough rest it'll HOLD onto your fat stores which we all know is a fitness dolls NIGHTMARE!
Working out just isn't enough. We need to be smart with our time and intentions! Getting a slim and sexy stomach takes some tweaking and commitment. Try these tips out and let me know if you feel the energy boost and notice a difference! What tips and trick have you tried that work for you?
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