Friday 12 September 2014

Review of the 8 Hour Ab Diet

You've probably never heard of the 8 hour ab diet, and thats totally normal. I stumbled across this way of eating while listening to a Chalean Johnson podcast a few weeks ago. It was kind of unexpected since her chats are usually about life, productivity, business etc and rarely are about dieting and foods. Anyways! This podcast featured Melissa McAllister, the girl behind this thing. She didn't invent this way of eating, but she did live this way her whole life.. kind of by a happy accident! For years people had been asking her, how do you stay so fit? Why do you have so much energy? How are your abs back SO quickly after having your baby? After awhile she realized she only eats for 8 hours a day, from 11am-7pm. 

Hm. That seems alright, right? I thought so too! Then I was like waaaaait, I wake up pretty early and I like to hop out of bed and go DIRECTLY into the kitchen. (Breakfast is your favourite meal of the day too, right?) But as I listened further into the podcast I started to realize, you know this thing actually makes a lot of sense. There are some theories for healthy eating that putting your body into starvation mode is a huge NO-NO! But if you think about it, whenever you go to sleep you're putting your body into SM on it's own! Most people do NOT wake up in the middle of the night to re-feed themselves.

I started to think, "Hey I can totally do this! I might do more of a 10-6 since I don't know if I can wait that long for breakfast..." after convincing myself that I should at least try it I decided to go for it last thursday (September 4th). Since doing it I haven't lost any weight yet (I mean it's only been 8 days people) but I can honestly say I feel energized! Something feels like it's working better in my body. The first couple days I had a hard time pushing my breakfast back and not eating my late-night snacks, but once I got into it it was easy! 

Important Note: You are not eating LESS, you are just pushing the food you eat throughout the day into a shorter time span. Same food, meals closer together. You got me?

I'm excited to see how this will affect me after I've been doing it for a month, then 6 months etc. 

PS. You're probably curious to see Melissa McAllister and her experience with this... ta da! The girl who unknowingly followed this her whole life and CLEARLY saw results:

The girl is RIPPED! I'm not sure how old she is but I do know that she has kids who are graduated from college already. Um, WOWEE! Want to try it? 

Start with downloading an app like myfitnesspal. 
You need to make sure you're eating enough food during your 8 hours so it's best to track it with a calorie counter. I love this app! You can even add me if you want and we can count calories together! hehe. 

Once you download an app, start pushing your breakfast back by a couple hours. My tip: Eat a big breakfast! You'll be hungry from pushing it back so don't try to skimp out. Make it a hearty! 

Once you've gotten comfortable with eating a bit later, implement your cut off time for dinner. If you follow Melissa's time frame, stop eating at 7pm. If you follow mine, stop at 6pm. I'm gonna try moving my schedule back later like Melissa's but for now 10am-6pm works well since I got to bed pretty early (9pm.)

Don't hold back. This could be the style of eating your body has been CRAVING and NEEDING for optimum efficiency! Let me know how the 8 Hour Ab Diet goes for you, are you going to try it?

1 comment:

  1. I don t have the time at the moment to fully read your site but I have bookmarked it and also add your RSS feeds. I will be back in a day or two. thanks for a great site.

    food to avoid in Low Fat Diet
