Friday 12 September 2014

5 Tips for Productivity

If you're like me, staying focused can sometimes be.. well, a challenge. Throughout the day. the TV is calling my name to catch up on missed shows, I'm checking my phone every couple of minutes and the fridge is my BFF for procrastinating on ANYTHING. Staying focused and getting my work done is surprisingly hard. More often than not the clock will hit 2pm and my to-do list hasn't even been touched (not so hot when I'm trying to build my business). After looking for some inspiration on other blogs, websites, and whatever else google would feed me I've come up with (what I think) are  the most important tips.

1. Wake up REALLY early
And yes, I mean really early. Try waking up at 5AM and powering through some of the items on your to-do list. I tried waking up at 5 this morning (ended up waking up at 7 but hey, progress not perfection) and I noticed I felt more productive. There was less distractions, and I felt I was off to a good start. 

2. Get dressed
There's something about staying in yoga pants all day that just screams "turn on the TV!" and "let's work from bed today." Am I right? Or am I right. It's hard to get into work mode when you've barely changed out of your pyjamas, so try showering and put on some jeans and cute top. You'll feel ready for the day and be less likely to lounge. I know, I know, wearing yoga's is the greatest part of working from home! But if you're not actually working, then you're losing the benefits of both because sooooon, you'll have to go back to that 9-5 job and wear a business casual suit, ew.

3. Set business hours
I am THE worst at this! Somedays I tell myself I'll start at 10, some days at 2, somedays it just never even happens. (Yikes, I need some serious discipline). If you set business hours for yourself and work to maintain discipline during them, you'll be more focused knowing you have an official "off time." Another reason, having business hours for yourself will help you to treat your business like a business. This is SO crucial if you work from home. What if you treated your home biz like you invested $50,000 into it? Chances are, you'd invest more time and effort into it and be much further ahead by now. So, start today. Set business hours and take it seriously!

4. Take mini breaks
Writers block, creativity lack, stiff neck - it all happens. Every couple of hours take 5-15 minutes tot step away from the computer and relax. Have some tea, stretch, read fiction, take your fur baby on a walk! And if you don't have a fur baby, take YOURSELF on a walk! You'll be glad you did. 

5. Do more than what's expected
Have you ever heard the quote by Zig Ziglar "When you do more than you get paid for, eventually you'll be paid for more than what you do." Work hard now, and your business will build momentum. Eventually, you'll be able to work half as many hours but get paid multiples of what you're making now. It's called "Big-Mo" (from The Compound Effect). If you work hard now and do more than what's expected, big mo will kick in and take over. 1% of people do this take their life and business to that level. Be the 1%!

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