Saturday 13 September 2014

The Best Foods to Eat Before & After Your Workout

When you're on a mission to lose belly fat, tone the thighs, and slim those triceps, nutrition is HALF the battle! Working out is so important, but if you're not fuelling your body properly your efforts will not be maximized. To make the most out of your workouts, pre and post foods are SO key!


While it's true that working out on an empty stomach will help you burn fat stores during your workout, that doesnt automatically translate into a reduction of body fat. When you're burning fat during exercise you're working out at a lower intensity and burning fewer calories. SO, eating a pre workout meal or snack will gee you energy, stamina, and help blast your fat stores and build muscle!


1. Eat a nutritionally balanced meal 1-2 hours before training
        (If you want to burn 600 calories, aim for a 300 calorie meal)
   - Hearty Salad
   - Lettuce Wraps
   - Smoothie
   - Veggie Omelet
   - Banana and Chia Seed Custard
2. Eat a snack 60-90 minutes before training 
       (Aim for 100-200 calories and a combination of lean protein and slow acting carbs)
   - Fruit & Yogurt
   - Protein Shake
   - Peanut Butter and Apple
   - Fruit & Cottage Cheese
   - Banana & Almonds


It's so important to refuel and recover with meals that combine the right balance of protein and carbohydrates post workout. For best results, eat within 30-60 minutes after exercise muscles are most receptive. This ensures that the body has the fuel it needs to recover, adapt, and improve.


1. Snack immediately following a workout
   - Protein Shake
   - Kefir
   - Banana
   - Dried Fruits & Nuts
2. Meal immediately following a workout
   - Quinoa & Salmon
   - Black Bean & Rice Soup
   - Tofu Stir Fry & Brown Rice
   - Sweet Potato & Chicken

Don't forget to hydrate before, during (small sips), and after!

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