Tuesday 16 September 2014

5 Sunscreen Tips to Save Your Skin

Ladies!!!!! It's no secret that sunscreen is one of the MOST important things you can do for your skin to keep your complexion flawless but also to fight wrinkles, sun spots, age spots, and sagging... Yowza! I don't know about you, but I think it's safe to assume if you're reading this it's because you care about preventing those! YAY!

SPF 30 is your secret weapon. SPF 30 blocks 97% of sun rays. As the SPF level goes up, the amount of "sundays blocked" goes up less than .1% making SPF 30 the most practical and affordable. Truth is, things like SPF 100 are mostly a marketing tactic since it's impossible to block 100% of sun rays. 

PREVENT damage now instead of trying to "fix" it later.
Dermatologists say that PREVENTING skin cancer and sunburn FAR outweigh any procedure you can have done to reverse the signs of aging.  

Don't use regular sunscreen on your face! 
Not only are face sunscreens oil-free to prevent breakouts, but they're formulated to be stronger since the skin on your face is thinner. 

Check the expiration!
Most sunscreens expire after 12 months and surprisingly, those expirations dates are real! The active ingredient in sunscreen  (titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, or a combination of both) lose their potency after a period of time. You don't want to think you're protected, and then notice a major burn on your delicate face.

Use makeup with SPF in it.
This is the perfect way to ensure that you're protected even on those days you forget to apply. Makeup is made to last throughout the day so you won't need to reapply. Double win!

One last thing,
never forget proper sunglasses, and a big hat to protect your pretty peepers!

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