Hey chicas!
So, you're wondering: What;s the REAL deal on this fitness stuff, right ?
Well, I'm here to tell ya the deets!
The truth is... it's a lot of work. I know some people will be modest and say "Oh thanks. I just did X + Y, and I lost 20 lbs!" And yes... that's what it is on the outside. But on the inside, it takes a LOT more than X + Y to lose weight.
It is a CONSTANT priority that needs be at the FRONT of your mind.
You need to make same the decision to eat healthy 20+ times in ONE day! It sounds so simple to say, "Well, I cut out junk food and stopped drinking soda!" But in reality it should sound more like this "Every second of everyday I was fighting a battle between my old habits and between my new goals. It was a lot of work and sometimes my my new goals didn't win. I worked out regularly and sweat so much I think I could've discovered another ocean. I took baby steps, TIIIINYYYY baby steps, every. single. day. It was hard, and sometimes I doubted myself, but those baby steps all added up to a big leap, and that's where I am today!"

Okay. Is that dramatic? Maybe.
But is it true? Yes.
Weightloss and getting FIT is not a one time decision. You have to CONTINUE to make the same decision every time you eat, everytime you think about eating, and everytime you're contemplating if you should skip your workout for the day.
So what I'm saying is - it takes a lot of work.
Should that discourage you? HECK NO!
I know, I must be crazy right? How could this be motivating anyone? Hear me out:
The work you put in is SO much more than just a push up/sit up/I lost 2 more lbs!
It's about taking YOUR POWER BACK.
When you're on the journey of health you are quite literally changing your outside and most importantly - your inside.
You change. You will be less stressed. You will be more productive. You will be happier.
Yes! Happier. So take that power back NOW.
You've heard about all the endorphins and what not so I'm not going to go into it here, but you will feel like a new person. The same amazing you, but even more amazing. When you start to see changes on the outside, thats when you'll to feel changes on the inside.
Let's be honest here - the inside is WAY more important than the outside.
You may not know it yet, but when you do you'll be happy to be on this side of the fence. Your inside is glowing inside of you like a giant ball of sunshine waiting to burst out!
So here's the dealio. It takes work. It takes time. But it will be worth every. dang. second. You're practically gonna want to hug your neighbor and adopt every cat in the world - that's how happy you'll be! (jk about the cat thing... or am I?)
Regardless of any cat adoptions about to go down, you need to make it a priority, just like your marriage would be! But you DONT have to go crazy. Small baby steps added up into one giant LEAP forward. If you don't know where to start, start walking and start upping your water intake. When you're ready for more seriousness you can join my challenge group here. But even if you're not ready for that, you GOTTA make it happen, because you DESERVE to be happy. Hard work, yep! Happiness resulted, yep! Love you guys!
What do you think? Are you already on the fitness bandwagon or are you struggling to get started?
xo, Jessica
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