Thursday, 18 September 2014

5 Ways To Fulfill Your Dreams

If you're like me, then you know that goal setting is AWESOME! The reason goal setting is so dang awesome, is because it's a way of making dreams seems realistic... and setting the expectation that your dreams are realistic will CHANGE your LIFE. The truth is, every dream you have is totally possible. All it is, is a matter of choices and actions that will get you there. If someone gave you a list to complete that would make your wildest dreams come true, would you do it? I bet you would! You would work down that list, happily crossing things off knowing you're going to make your dreams a reality. So, how do you get your hands on that magical list? Simple. WE make it. 

What?! I know what you're thinking... but you CAN do this. Follow these steps below. Start with 1 dream. Ex. Lose 10 lbs. Get a promotion at my job. Get a boyfriend. Buy a new car. Whatever it is, pick one and begin....

Step #1
Start daydreaming. Think about your biggest, scariest dream. Most people don't allow themselves to fully dream as big as they want to for fear of not knowing how to make it happen. So they hold themselves back and block out any dreams of being a famous singer, driving a bentley, owning a business, having their dream body, etc. But, just for this moment, take 5 minutes and remove those barriers you've set for yourself. Imagine anything was possible. If you had a magic genie who gave you 3 wishes, what would you wish for? Take out a pen and paper and write down your top 10 dreams and wishes, of more if you have them!
Take 5 minutes to daydream BIG. Write down your top 10 wildest dreams. 

Step #2
Start envisioning that life. What would it feel like to hop in your range rover and pick up your friend for a coffee date? How would it feel to be excited to go shopping and to feel SO hot in a swimsuit?! Really let those feelings sink in. How would it feel to go to work in a higher position with respect from your peers and a bigger income. How does it feel?
Imagine your new life.

Step #3
Pick one dream of yours, and on another piece of paper write down 20 action steps you can do that will bring you closer to your dream. Hire a personal trainer, read a book on closing more sales, meet your friend who lost 50lbs for lunch, ask your boss what you need to do to stand out & take on extra work? 
List 20 action steps for each dream if you have time, if not just start with 1.

Step #4
Take a look at each action step you made, and break it down into 5 smaller bite sized pieces. This is going to take even more focus and thought, but don't give up! Make sure you list 5 baby steps for each action step. 
Ex. If your main action step is to "Read a book on closing more sales", then your 5 mini steps could be
1. Research good books on "Sales Skills"
2. Pick 1
3. Go to Barnes and Noble this Saturday morning to purchase it
4. Read for 10 minutes every night in bed
5. Reward myself with a massage when I finish the book

Step #5
Now that you have 5 mini steps for each "main action", combine ALL your mini steps onto 1 page. Add 1-2 mini steps (whichever ones) onto your daily to do list. Maybe tonight you'll take 5-10 minutes to research a book and pick 1. Of you can research good sales books, and do another mini step from a different action. Ya feel me? 
Add 1-2 of your bite sized steps to your daily to-do list

When you finish this, you'll see you HAVE the answers. The stairway to your dreams is just that, a staircase. Baby steps taken over time will bring you higher and closer every after every step you take. It's the choice to take baby steps that will get you there. 

1. Dream big, write down your wildest dreams
2. Envision your life
3. List 20 action steps you can take to make your dream a reality
4. Break down each action step into 5 smaller actions
4. Add 1-2 of your bite sized steps to your daily to do list

Follow this formula, stick with it, and your life will b transformed in as little as 6 months. Imagine where you'll be in a year from now if you do this! 2 years, 5 years...  etc. That bentley doesn't seem so crazy now, right? You can SO do this! Try this out and let me know what you think!
PS. I just started doing this, and so far I feel closer to my goals then ever before. Not because I've made LEAPS in the last 2 weeks, but because I have a clear picture and a clear list of things to do that I know will bring me closer. It feels GOOD :)

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